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Online-Seminar Medical device reimbursement in Europe | France, UK and Scandinavia

26.10.2022 09:30 - 16:30 Uhr
organizer: BVMed-Akademie
Schwerpunkt: Hilfsmittel

Zum Thema


Every European country has its distinct development of health care system, different reimbursement logic and particular regulations. In Germany, reimbursement registration is highly regulated and centralized, while in France, the Health Insurance is run by two main funds and a dozen of specific funds, while there are more than hundred funds in Germany. The scope and role of statutory health insurances also vary. For instance, all UK residents receive health care services and products free of charge; while in Germany, only certain services or prescribed products are for free for insured patients. Basically, Scandinavian countries mainly work with tenders.

Even though medical device registration in a certain list or directory is required in all these countries, the procedure, required documentation, fees, validity and resulting reimbursement rates are country-dependent. For manufacturers to familiarize themselves with such peculiarities consumes precious time and effort.

The speakers of the seminar are considered to be experts in the healthcare industry in France, the UK and Scandinavia respectively. They are familiar with national registration requirements, have gathered experience in reimbursement and in regulatory affairs.

The Online-Seminar will be held in English.


Target group
This seminar targets medical device manufacturers who would like to sell their products in France, the UK or Scandinavia. Even though similarities exist between German and other European health care systems, for successful market access it is vital to understand them indepth. It is especially important for new entrants. However, even successful manufacturers can benefit from insights on simpler and quicker processes.


The aim of this seminar is to familiarize manufacturers with regulatory affairs of certain European countries. France, the UK and Scandinavia are attractive destinations for medical devices. However, demand and marketing research are not enough for successful entry. In order to access the market in an effective and efficient way, manufacturers need to understand and comply with the respective regulations and procedures. The Experts will highlight the most important requirements and keys for success in these countries.


  • Speakers
  • Martin Glaser
    Managing Partner
    ValueAdders | Denmark
  • Peter Karlstén
    Chief Executive Officer
    Gate 88 AB | Sweden
  • Marie Glori Pasquet
    Managing Director
    GloriMed Consulting | France
  • Jon Wilks
    Managing Director
    UK HealthGateway Ltd | UK


  • Juliane Pohl
    Head of department for outpatient health care
    Federal Association of Medical Technology (BVMed) | Berlin


Detaillierte Veranstaltung


9.15 a.m. -

Registration and technical check

9.30 a.m. - Welcome and opening

Juliane Pohl

9.40 a.m. - Reimbursement in France

Marie Glori Pasquet

  • Introduction
  • Public and private health care system
  • Market access – reimbursement assessment
  • Reimbursement-process and forms
  • Key requirements for succes
  • Timescales
  • Amendments (e. g. price rises)
  • Questions and answers

11.00 a.m. -


11.10 a.m. - Reimbursement and Distribution in the UK

Jon Wilks

  • Introduction
  • Public and private health care system
  • Market access – reimbursement assessment
  • Reimbursement-process and forms
  • Key requirements for succes
  • Timescales
  • Amendments (e. g. price rises)
  • Questions and answers

12.30 p.m. -

Lunch break

1.30 p.m. - Reimbursement in Sweden and Norway

Peter Karlstén

  • Introduction
  • Public and private health care system
  • Market access – reimbursement assessment
  • Reimbursement-process and forms
  • Key requirements for succes
  • Timescales
  • Amendments (e. g. price rises)
  • Questions and answers

2.50 p.m. -


3.30 p.m. - Reimbursement in Denmark

Martin Glaser

  • Introduction
  • Public and private health care system
  • Market access – reimbursement assessment
  • Reimbursement-process and forms
  • Key requirements for succes
  • Timescales
  • Amendments (e. g. price rises)
  • Questions and answers

4.30 p.m. -




Participation is only possible with prior registration. You will receive a registration confirmation by email.

Participants will receive the access data by email no later than 2 days before the conference will start.


Mit Ihrer Anmeldung erklären Sie sich mit der Verwertung (Print, Digital, Online) der im Rahmen der Veranstaltung gefertigten Fotoaufnahmen einverstanden.


Cancellation free of charge is possible no later than 5 days before the conference will start.

The BVMed Academy reserves the right to change lecturers and / or postpone or change the program sequence. If an event has to be canceled for reasons for which the BVMed Academy is responsible, only participation fees that have already been paid will be reimbursed. Further claims are excluded.

Auf einen Blick


Mittwoch, 26.10.2022 09:30 - 16:30 Uhr


Download des Programmflyers (816 KB)


  • 420,00 € (pro Person, zzgl. Mehrwertsteuer)

    BVMed Members | Seminar documents are included | Per Person plus VAT
  • 490,00 € (pro Person, zzgl. Mehrwertsteuer)

    Non-Members | Seminar documents are included | Per Person plus VAT

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